Five Myths about solar panels debunked!


Myth 1: Going Solar Costs a fortune

‘It costs a fortune’ depends on individuals, however we can easily say that solar systems have become more affordable over the past years. For example solar panel prices have fallen by 89% since 2010. If you think about the soaring energy prices and the negative effects of global climate warming, solar systems will pay you back, so now is the best time ever to invest!

Myth 2: Solar cannot function in cloudy weather

One of the most widespread myths is that if there is no sun, your solar system does not produce any electricity.  We all know that the sunnier the weather the more energy is produced, however your system can still generate up to 25% of their normal output. No matter how cloudy or snowy it is, the system can still generate electricity.

Myth 3: Solar systems require constant maintenance

Contrary to popular belief, solar panels require minimal upkeep. They are built to withstand the elements and are incredibly durable. Occasional cleaning to remove debris or dirt is usually enough. Additionally most solar panel systems come with warranties, ensuring peace of mind and hassle-free operation.

Myth 4: Solar Panels are an eyesore

There’s been an age-old concern about the visual impact of solar panels but the good news is Solar Panels have come a long way in terms of design and aesthetic. Nowadays you can find sleek and stylish solar panel options that seamlessly blend with the architecture of your home.  Furthermore, many companies offer roof integrated panels which tend to be more aesthetically pleasing as they sit lower on the roof and look like an intended part of the roof.

Myth 5: Solar energy systems do not last a long time

Rooftop solar systems are highly durable, fire secure, lightweight and weatherproof.   Many solar panel manufacturers provide an average of 10 year product warranty and a 25 year performance warranty. That means there is a guarantee the panels will produce no less than 80% of their power output rating at the end of the 25 years.