Why do Birds want to nest under solar panels?
Although installing solar is unlikely to attract birds to nest under your panels it is a well known fact that it does happen. Solar panels can be an attractive nesting place for birds as it provides protection from the elements and a safe place to nest away from predators.
What could happen if you don’t use bird deterrent?
Birds can often peck at the electrical wires underneath the panels which can lead to electrical issues and can cause problems with the entire string of the solar panel system. This can affect the generation of your system and can mean the payback period of your system is negatively affected. Additionally bird droppings will not only affect the generation of your system but are also highly acidic and over time with enough sunlight can burn into the glass of the panels and start developing hot spots. When birds create their nests its often made out of dry twigs and bits of paper lying around which can scratch the solar panels and get stuck beneath them.
Not only do you want to protect the efficiency of the panels but you will also want to eliminate the nuisance of having a bunch of birds nesting on your roof and making noise.
How does Bird Deterrent help?
Bird deterrent will prevent birds nesting underneath your solar panels without harming the birds of making them uncomfortable. At Elevate Envirotech all of our solar pv quotations come with standard bird deterrent spikes as pictured on the image above. We use high quality spikes that do not interfere with the aesthetic of the roof and prevent birds causing any damage to your solar panels.
Elevate Envirotech provides quotations for retrofitting bird deterrent if your solar pv system does not currently have it. If you are interested in getting a quotation please contact us today!
Tel- 01371 875 222
Email- Info@elevateenvirotech.co.uk